Tuesday, March 18, 2008

SOAPUI Benefits

As part of the previously mentioned Continuous Integration effort I am undergoing, an effective/simple approach to Unit Testing needs to be identified. JUnit works well when performing assertions on Java. When testing Web Services, I decided to look for alternatives. One alternative is to use XMLUnit as I described in an earlier post. In order to test for the current client, a different approach was in order. Their current QA Staff are not familiar with Web Services so a Web Services centric Testing tool is an additional requirement. SOAPUI available at www.soapui.org provides a very simple and capable Test environment. GUI, command line and JUnit integration are provided in the freely available version.

So currently my Continuous Integration looks like:

- CruiseControl invoking Ant Script
- Ant Script invoking:
- Build / Validation Process
- Deploy Utility
- Junit TestCase
- SOAPUI Project

More to come....

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