Sunday, July 29, 2007

Personal Services show the way

Although this is not directly related to my main discussion about SOA/Web Services, I noticed a trend in the past 3 days that impacted me and shows the power of what SOA/Web Services/Internet technologies are bringing and will bring .

So on Friday I checked my gmail account and noticed that LinkedIn ( had notified me of several contacts who were interested in touching base and joining my personal network. One was a fomer colleague and another was a former friend from college. Within a couple of hours I had caught up on 6 years with my colleague and 15 years with my college buddy. The part that is interesting is all I needed to do was post my LinkedIn profile (my personal WSDL). This included my destination (email address) and content. LinkedIn hosts some general operations and away you go.

So a single personal service in a short time frame brought me information relevant to me and simplified my networking life dramatically. Just imagine all the phone calls, mixers, conferences etc that you would have had to attend. Who's got the time!

Personal Integration is here and helping me and many others.

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