Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Setting up Apache ODE within Tomcat / Axis2

So it has been a busy week and I have had little time to work on the Open Source BPEL investigation. I have decided for simplicty sake that I start with Apache Axis2 versus Apache ServiceMix. This will allow me to quickly fire in SOAP requests and not have to become familiar with the ServiceMix infrastructure. I will tackle this next and apply what is learned here to that.

So here are the steps that I followed to get Apache ODE installed within Axis2. I made the mistake of initially downloading the Axis2 binary distro versus Tomcat. The Apache ODE instructions work with Tomcat/Axis but not Axis2 standalone.

1) Download Apache Tomcat 6.0.16
2) Download Apache Axis2 1.3 WAR distribution
3) Download Apache ODE 1.1.1 WAR distribution
4) Copy axis2.war to tomcat/webapps
5) Copy ode.war to tomcat/webapps
7) Run Tomcat using tomcat/bin/ run

The console then shows the following on startup:


I then accessed the Axis2 Console and could see the Apache ODE Services by going to http://localhost:8080/ode.

Next will be deployment of a BPEL sample into Apache ODE and invoking using SOAPUI.


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