Sunday, August 7, 2011

Getting soapUI AMF example on MacOS Running

If you are trying to get soapUI 3.6.1 AMF example running with BlazeDS samples, make sure you do the following:

- Place the flexsample.jar file under /Applicatons/eviware/
- Restart the application and create a TestSuite, TestCase, AMF Test Step
- Specify the endpoint of: http://localhost:8400/samples/messagebroker/amf
- Specify the AMF Call as: product.getProducts

All is good!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

SEVERE: WSSERVLET11: failed to parse runtime descriptor: exception during WSDL parsing

Have been doing development of JAX-WS service in Metro/Tomcat 6 and ran across the following failure when deploying the WAR file. Examination of google results didn't provide the exact answer I needed but resolved it by doing the following:

- Under the WEB-INF a directory called com existed that I had noticed before.
- Examined the contents of it and found the package and java classes was reproduced in this location.
- Deleted the directory, recreated the WAR and redeployed.

All was good!